Research and Information Consultancy

The National Coalition for Voter Rights is a research and information consultancy for voter rights. State voter list maintenance practices have enormous impact on voter accessibility across the country and we want to study it and work with organizations and voters to reduce the impacts and improve voter engagement.

Voter Research:

  1. Invest in the continued research on SB260 (filed as SB396 for 2025 session) to cover districts across Texas.
  2. Researchers - work with us on the current study on SB260 for a peer reviewed, published research article on voter list maintenance.
  3. Contact us to talk about research that would benefit your voter rights work.

Voter Education:

  1. We can help you incorporate the researched information into your current voter programs.
  2. Contact us to create marketing materials for your organization, members and targeted audience.
  3. Request a virtual or in-person speaker for your meeting on "what is voter list maintenance and what we can do about it".
  4. Request training for your organization on voter list maintenance and how to talk about it with voters.


  1. Sign up to receive our monthly newsletter with the latest voter rights information.

Please email us at or fill out the contact form.

National Coalition for Voter Rights
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Voting - Use It or Lose It!