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VOTING - Use It or Lose It



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Voting - Use It or Lose It!

What happens if you register to vote and don't vote? States across the country purge you from the voter list. And some Texas State Senators want to do the same in Texas.

We analyzed an election bill that passed the Texas Senate in April 2023 on a party line vote and has been filed again for the 2025 session (SB 396):

"Conservatively, 20% of Texans would be impacted by any legislation that adversely affects infrequent voters", Dr Andrea Barreiro, SMU Associate Professor, Graduate Advisor, Department of Mathematics. Texas had 18.6 million registered voters ahead of the November 2024 election.

We are a consulting group focused on research and education on the impacts of Voter List Maintenance (VLM).

  • What are the impacts to voters from federal and state VLM election bills and laws;
  • How do we change the system to improve voter engagement; and
  • What information do organizations need to help voters keep their voter status?

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What About The May 2025 Election?

Election Day is Saturday, May 3, 2025.

You must register to vote by Thursday, April 3. Make a plan to vote and vote early!

Early voting starts on Tuesday, April 22 and ends on Tuesday, April 29.

Go to your County Elections website to check your registration status. Check that your registration is in Active status. If you are in Suspense status, you can update your voter address online. You can still vote if you are in Suspense status, but it's quick to update your voter record online.

Why Research Election Bill Voter Impacts?

1. Multi-millions of Texans could be impacted by changes to election administration and voter list maintenance practices.

2. The public and elected officials should understand the consequences of the bill on the ability of Texans to vote.

3. Voter impacts are required to provide state funding for resources for implementation and voter education.

4. Documented research on impacts to Texans by district can become part of the legislative record and used in future court cases.

The "Use It or Lose It" Texas bill and Voter Impacts

Voter Rights in Texas

The National Coalition for Voter Rights is a research and information consultancy dedicated to safeguarding voter rights.

Texas, the second largest state in the U.S., has implemented some of the most stringent measures impacting voter rights.

Compare the Texas voter experience with voters in other states:

  • 5th place from the bottom for ease of voting;
  • 7th place from the bottom on turnout.

We specialize in analyzing election administrative practices and the impacts to voter participation.

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Voting - Use It or Lose It!